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Connect / International Network Advisers

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Anne has been the manager of Connect, The Network for Global Learning in Education (formerly NLSIN) and worked within Barnet's School Improvement service for over 20 years providing guidance and training for schools in embedding a global dimension to the curriculum, preparing bids, accessing funding and understanding the range of opportunities for schools to develop international links, partnerships and CPD activities.

She is a British Council Schools Ambassador, a UK Global Learning Association Consultant, Connecting Classrooms Through Global Learning Trainer and an assessor for a range of funded programmes. 

Anne delivers training on Middlesex University's BA Primary Education (QTS) course and has worked with the NQT leaders in local authorities to provide global learning training to support Teaching Standards.

Anne organises short-term Language Assistant placement programmes with universities in Spain and Germany and facilitates the on-line New York Global Scholars Programme linking schools all over the world through curriculum based collaboration.

The support Anne offers enables an outcomes focused approach underpinned by evaluation and monitoring processes that ensure good practice and sustainable impact at all times.

Global learning which provides a real-life teaching and learning approach and context can be an effective vehicle to address the requirements of the new Ofsted framework and help schools deliver a broader curriculum that will motivate, enhance and expand the learning experience for pupils.

Anne Roots
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