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A business meeting
1. Choose your lead reviewer

Read through the pen pictures of the BPSI advisers who have had experience of inspecting schools for OfSTED (see the list below) Decide who you would like to lead your review and make contact with them and agree the date of your review.  Advisers' contact details are available on the BPSI Members or from the BPSI Business Support Team.

Also read and become familiar with the Protocol and Procedures document (see below)

2. BPSI arrange supporting heads


BPSI will arrange which headteachers (see the list below) will support the BPSI Adviser during your review.  If you have any strong views (for example you could be close friends with a person on the list and feel their inclusion on the team would be inappropriate) then urgently contact BPSI Business Support Team.  All conversations will be held in confidence.

3. BPSI will ensure the review happens


Once you have agreed the date with the BPSI Adviser who will lead the review, the BPSI Business Support team will then liaise with all interested parties to ensure your review takes place.

How to arrange a BPSI School Review
BPSI School Review Documentation


  • Protocol and Procedures
    an explanation of how the Review process will work.  This is essential reading if you are going to commission a review in your school.

Lead Reviewers
BPSI Advisers who can lead a BPSI School Review (all have OfSTED experience)
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Diana Choulerton has 25 years’ experience working in education as a teacher, leader and inspector. Diana worked as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) from 2014 to 2017. During this time Diana has developed a wide range of experience and high level of skill related to inspection and education improvement. This included leading inspections and monitoring visits of primary and secondary schools as well as SEND area inspections. Whilst working as an HMI she also took on the role of Ofsted National Lead for Design and Technology.  Prior to joining Ofsted she worked as a senior advisor for a local authority leading on 14 to 19 strategy.  Diana also has 13 years’ previous experience working in secondary schools holding middle and senior leadership responsibilities in that time.

Diana offers insight, support and advice for leaders in primary and secondary schools and local authorities on all aspects of education improvement. Specific areas of expertise include; change management, monitoring and evaluation, development planning, curriculum and assessment, teaching pedagogy, SEND reform implementation and 14-19 strategy.  Diana also remains passionate about D&T education and welcome opportunities to utilise my expertise in the subject.

Diana Choulerton
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Bob Hamlyn has extensive school leadership experience and has served for 17 years as a headteacher in two contrasting London schools. Within these roles Bob has chaired local authority headteacher groups and worked closely with key stakeholders to help secure school improvement.  More recently he has led inspections in primary, secondary and all-through settings across the London region. Bob therefore has a strong understanding of the inspection framework, including identifying best practice related to curriculum design and implementation, and safeguarding procedures. 


Bob can also offer support in: coaching and supporting school leaders; helping leaders to develop effective self evaluation and school improvement plans; developing effective governing bodies; dealing with complex complaints.

Bob Hamlyn
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Helen Morrison is currently a Learning Network Inspector for Barnet Local Authority and a School Inspector. Helen was previously headteacher of a large Primary in Barnet.  During her time at the school, Helen has led the school successfully through two Ofsted Inspections, the last inspection team judging the school as Outstanding. Helen has a particular interest in effective leadership structures and enjoys supporting schools to identify and plan for school improvement. Helen has direct experience of leading major change and  has led on the amalgamation of two schools as well as experience of leading major building projects, including school expansion. Helen's Ofsted work enables her to have an up to date understanding of what Oustanding school effectiveness looks like. She enjoys supporting schools in their drive to achieve and maintain this across all aspects of school life.​​​

Helen Morrison
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Tim McLoughlin is a very experienced school leader having been a headteacher in inner London before working as a School Development Advisor. He has over thirty years experience of working in education. He is an School Inspector and currently inspects primary and independent schools. Tim can support schools with reviews and evaluation of leadership and curriculum practice as well as training for staff and governors on many aspects of school leadership. He is also able to act as an external advisor for headteacher performance management meetings. As a qualified counsellor he is also able to work with leaders on the development of mental health and well-being within a school context.

Tim McLoughlin
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Paul is an inspirational and energetic school improvement consultant. He has a passion for education with an excellent track record of supporting school leaders. Paul is committed to supporting schools in the UK and internationally, to build resilience and have clarity of direction. He is an experienced and highly successful primary headteacher and has worked in schools within a range of contexts. Paul has extensive experience of managing changes in school structures including successful federation and conversion to academy. He has been an Executive Headteacher and a CEO of a Multi Academy Trust.  He is a facilitator and assessor for the NPQ programmes.

Paul is a dynamic coach, consultant and mentor and a qualified Resilient Leaders Elements (RLE) consultant and coach. He strives to model integrity. His work as a learning network inspector and Ofsted inspector enables him to support and challenge schools. Paul enjoys providing high quality professional development to schools through coaching, mentoring and training. 

Paul supports new Headteachers and provides performance management for senior leaders. He has achieved a distinction in the Professional Qualification for School Inspection and has achieved NPQH. 

Paul is committed to nurturing talent. He is an excellent communicator and is passionate about working with Headteachers, Governors, leadership teams and teaching staff to achieve the very best for children.

Paul Whitcombe
BPSI Headteachers who can support a BPSI School Review
(all have engaged in training)

Jenny Aylen is the Head Teacher of Brookland Junior School where she has worked since 2001 as deputy and then as head for the last 7 years to nurture a school culture focused on being the Best we can Be as individual pupils, as members of staff and as a school community.  Brookland has a very diverse intake of pupils, a strong focus on pupil voice and well established structures for children to evaluate their own learning and set next steps across the whole curriculum. Brookland children thrive and build confidence as they grow in their understanding of Brookland Values and Brookland Learning Skills. Jenny supports coaching focused, distributive leadership with priority on high quality professional development.  Jenny has undertaken a number of school reviews and worked as a Barnet School Improvement Partner to carry out SEV visits. She works closely with Brookland Infant and Nursery School where she is a governor and is also a governor for a local secondary school. Brookland Junior was rated outstanding by Ofsted in 2007 and 2010 and been consistently praised for excellent practice since then.

Jenny Aylen
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Ziz Chater has been a headteacher for over eight years and she currently works at Martin Primary School, a three form entry primary school in East Finchley.   She has experience of working in schools with a range of different demographics, including those with high levels of deprivation and high proportions of children with SEND.  She is particularly experienced with supporting and developing children in the Early Years Foundation Stage, having worked in infant schools for over half of her teaching career. 


Ziz is highly skilled at supporting and developing middle leaders and inspiring them to set high standards for themselves and their teams.  She also has a proven track record of strategically leading and driving effective school improvement.  She strives to ensure that when the children leave primary education, they are inquisitive and independent learners and that they respect themselves and the people and environment around them.


Ziz is also an active member of the Nursery and Primary Headteacher Forum and the Barnet School’s Forum.

Ziz Chater
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Dana is an accomplished Headteacher with over 21 years of experience in the field of education, specialising in inner-city London schools, including Brent, Southwark, and Camden. With a proven track record of excellence in school leadership, she transitioned from Deputy Head to Headteacher within a remarkable four-year period, demonstrating her ability to drive change and inspire both staff and students alike.


During their seven-year tenure in Barnet, Dana established herself as an experienced leader committed to the transformation of educational environments. She has successfully navigated several Ofsted inspections, showcasing her adeptness in elevating school standards while placing the welfare and development of children at the heart of her initiatives. Her leadership philosophy centers around cultivating a clear vision, promoting high expectations, and fostering a culture of excellence throughout the school community. Dana has participated in school reviews in Barnet.


Dana is not only skilled in leading schools through challenges but also has extensive experience in conducting school reviews, collaborating with challenge partners, and supporting fellow schools during secondments as a Deputy Head. A passionate advocate for professional development, she has spearheaded lesson study initiatives in Camden, encouraging collaboration and shared learning among educators to enhance teaching practices.


In pursuit of continual growth, Dana has completed the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and is currently engaged in a postgraduate diploma in Senior Leadership, with plans to embark on a Master's degree in Educational Leadership. This commitment to personal and professional development manifests in their role as a coach and mentor to emerging leaders, where they share their insights and strategies to nurture the next generation of educational leaders.


Presently, Dana is collaborating with the Tavistock Centre to become a qualified supervisor, enhancing their ability to support colleagues in navigating the complexities of educational leadership. She is enthusiastic about mentoring new Headteachers, offering guidance to those just starting out or those looking to enact transformative changes within their schools, whether that involves cultural shifts or curriculum enhancements.


With a dynamic approach to leadership and an unwavering dedication to the educational sector, Dana continues to make a significant impact in the lives of students and the broader community, ensuring every child receives the highest quality of education in an environment that is both nurturing and challenging.

Dana O'Donnell
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Ann Pelham is currently the Headteacher of Holly Park School. She has been the Head since September 2013 but has worked at the school for twenty five years, moving from NQT to Headteacher in that time. She has had opportunity to work for five different Headteachers and enjoy a variety of leadership opportunities including being Assistant Head for ten years and Deputy Head for four years. During her time as Deputy, she worked very closely with the Headteacher to lead the school to Outstanding in 2011.  As Headteacher herself, Ann hopes to ensure that Holly Park inspires in all pupils, a love of learning; equips all pupils with the self-confidence necessary to constructively influence their own lives and to develop into caring competent adults. She hopes that all pupils will have equal opportunity to take part in the life and work of the school and that it will be a place every child remembers with affection.

Ann Pelham
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Alison is currently the headteacher of Fairway Primary School and Children’s Centre and was previously the headteacher of a free school in Enfield.

Alison has worked in a number of inner city schools with high levels of SENDs, disadvantage children and children with EAL. She is focussed on ensuring the best quality of education for all children. Alison is experienced in leading school develop and change.

Alison has previously mentored headteachers and senior leads. Her areas of expertise are; rapid school improvement, curriculum development, strategic planning and leadership and improving the quality of teaching and learning across the school. Alison also has a great deal of experience leading schools with both a nursery and Children’s Centre.

Alison Poyiadjis
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Stefan Roos is currently the Headteacher at St Mary’s CE Primary School in Finchley, starting this role in September 2015. He previously, while working as Headteacher in a Church of England Primary School in Enfield, opened and led a Free School in the same borough and became Executive Headteacher over the two schools. The experience of leading very diverse schools has enabled him to think creatively about the best way to use resources to best meet the needs of all pupils and drive improvement.  He has also worked as an OFSTED inspector between 2011 and 2014 on a number of occasions.


Stefan believes in developing all leaders, so that while they are fully equipped to secure the best for all pupils, there is also a shared understanding of how to go about securing this. He also has a passion for seeing children being given a broad spectrum of opportunities to develop personally and become balanced young people, exploring a wide range of interests and talents.

Stefan Roos
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Joel Sager has been Headteacher of Pardes House Primary School in Finchley since April 2012. The school was rated ‘Good’ by OfSted in 2016, with particular praise for the school’s promotion of Fundamental British Values and the way it prepares pupils for life in Modern Britain. In a school with a 50/50 religious and secular studies timetable, Joel has led his staff in developing a creative curriculum to suit the school’s needs as well as carrying out a successful strategic review of the structure and design of the school day. He has also taken his personal interest and research of character development in children, incorporating aspects of this into the school. Joel has previous senior and Headship experience in both state and private schools, has provided direct support to individual schools in Barnet and is a Headteacher mentor. As Head of Pardes House, Joel was also responsible for overseeing a government-funded multi-million pound renovation of the school, contributing to an improved learning and working environment for pupils and staff. Joel is a firm believer in collaborative practice, has sat on various Barnet committees and has a close working relationship with a number of schools, both in and outside the borough.

Joel Sager
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Kim Sanett has been the Headteacher of Foulds School for five years.  Having worked in a range of schools, in Barnet, Enfield and Hackney, Kim has experience of being a leader in schools of both high and low deprivation.   She uses a coaching approach to support leaders and in this way has supported leaders to improve.  She has experience of making rapid changes, whilst also taking the long standing team along.

Kim Sanett
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Curtis Sweetingham has been the head teacher at St John’s CE Primary School N20 since September 2015, during which short time he has taken the school from being on the ‘Schools Causing Concern’ list to receiving a ‘good’ OFSTED judgement in November 2016.  In just over a year, he has raised the standards of teaching and learning, renovated safeguarding procedures, developed middle leaders and improved SEND/inclusion provision at the school.  He also has a strong interest in sport, and his achievements in this area have been recognised by the winning of several Barnet and national school sports awards. Prior to the post at St John’s, Curtis held the position of Deputy Head Teacher at St Theresa’s for three years, where he was influential in helping the school develop from having serious weaknesses to receiving a ‘good’ OFSTED judgement in July 2015.  His prior experience also includes leading a range of subjects as well as being an inclusion leader.  In all posts, Curtis has followed his passion for growth mindset and no-limits learning, encouraging all stakeholders to be the best they can be.  He is also an experienced Challenge Partner reviewer.

Curtis Sweetingham
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Lisa Walker is currently the Headteacher at Courtland Primary School which is based in Mill Hill. She has been in post for eleven years during which time she has taken the school from Good to Outstanding. Courtland is a one form entry school with a diverse population and changing demographics.  Lisa has experience of working with a strong Governing Body and has put systems in place to ensure they have a thorough understanding of their role. Lisa also has experience of mentoring Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers and offering peer support during LA school reviews. In the Autumn Term 2012 Lisa was Interim Headteacher at The Hyde School for three days a week, whilst also leading Courtland School.  During this secondment she was able to work closely with the LA to help stabilise a school which was experiencing difficulties. This experience of leading a school through a period of extreme change has enabled her to have a healthy respect for all staff members working under intense external pressure, whilst simultaneously having to raise standards. For the last few years Lisa also has experience of working with the LA as a BSIP. This involved conducting Attainment reviews, Learning walks, and general School Improvement.

Lisa Walker

BPSI School review

The BPSI School Review process forms part of the Monitoring and Challenge element of the Partnership.  The key principle is that schools, supported by the LA and BPSI, have an overriding responsibility to routinely monitor, review and evaluate what they do.  In order to build capacity within the school headteachers, deputy headteachers and other senior staff will be invited to work alongside their colleagues carrying out the review of learning and teaching and where appropriate other areas of the review process.


​The findings of the BPSI School Review will help schools to identify strengths and weaker areas so that the former can be celebrated and disseminated and the latter can be supported.  BPSI would be happy to work with the school to provide this support so that pupil learning is enhanced and standards rise. Commissioning a BPSI School Review can be a key element of your school's improvement journey that could contribute to a successful Ofsted outcome.

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