Stacey Burman is an enthusiastic adviser with over twelve years’ experience making a positive impact on the learning of primary and secondary pupils in a wide range of schools, including SEND, faith and PRUs, across the spectrum of State, MAT and independent schools. She has built on relationships and recognition from several national organisations, institutions, charities and networks to support schools in achieving national awards and run popular training for teachers in RE and humanities for Early Years, primary and secondary. When working in schools as a consultant, coach or as an Associate Deputy/Head Teacher Stacey builds an excellent rapport with teachers, school leaders and pupils alike. She has created effective solutions to help schools achieve the required Ofsted and DFE standards, particularly with the new guidance on RSE, developing SMSC and British Values, by using her knowledge and understanding of each schools’ specific requirements whilst protecting the beliefs, values and traditions as well as the ethos of certain faith schools. In addition, she has created successful curriculum and assessment materials for ‘Kodesh’ subjects, which Pikuach approved.
She is familiar with the most recent Ofsted Education Inspection framework, as well as the latest developmental thinking and effective pedagogy - including assessment for learning. She has additional qualifications for teaching swimming (ASA), Philosophy for Children (P4C), and coaching & mentoring (ILM).
Stacey Burman
Jan McGuire is a Religious Education and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Consultant. As an experienced Adviser for the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Jan works as a governance officer and Adviser in RE for Local Authorities.
Jan is involved in developing regional and national curriculum materials for use within the broad area of SMSC, cultural and religious diversity. Jan project manages the national Religious Education leadership mentoring (REvitalise)programme for the Association of RE Inspectors, Advisers and Consultants (AREIAC). Jan is named lead author and editor of the ‘Teaching Controversial Issues Toolkit’, adopted by the UN in 2018. An accredited lead internal verifier and assessor, Jan is an Assessor for the Religious Education Quality Mark (REQM).
An experienced classroom teacher and leader in RE for over 25 years, teaching from Primary through to Higher Education level, Jan provides training and support in all aspects of RE and SMSC, including:
SMSC/ RE / EHWB auditing and action planning, SMSC/ RE: Ofsted: Governor and Headteacher statutory responsibility,
teaching sensitive and controversial issues, Coaching and mentoring RE Teachers/Heads of RE/ aspiring RE national leaders using motivational dialogue coaching 360 techniques, Developing the RE curriculum, planning and assessment, Religious Education Quality Mark (REQM), SACRE support: Agreed Syllabus writing
Jan McGuire
Sasha has also taken on the role of Head of Year and the teacher i/c of Pupil Premium. In both these roles, there was a focus on intertwining Teaching and Learning with pastoral responsibility, focusing on embedding a pastoral curriculum in the school framework to help support students and work with form tutors. Currently, Sasha is now Lead Practitioner for Teaching and Learning, helping improve the T&L across the school.